Credit Counselling
Wed September 4, 2024
9:30 am - 11:00 am
You may be able to receive this workshop free of charge. Create an account or login to your dashboard to check your eligibility.
According to Equifax Canada's Q3 2023 report, the average consumer debt for all of Canada is $21,013 excluding mortgage debt.
While credit scores in Canada range from 300 - 900, the average is around 650, according to TransUnion.
Throughout this workshop, we will discuss how credit works, the cost of borrowing, credit reports, ratings and scores, as well as myths and facts about credit.
Learning Outcomes:
Gain a better understanding of interest paid for a loan, credit card etc. Also learn how to improve your credit ratings and to read your credit reports, ratings and scores. Learn the myths and facts about credit.
Community Futures EDP
Bio: Manuel Olguin is an experienced Business Advisor with a background in business and commercial lending for over 13 years. For the past 3 years, Manuel has been working with entrepreneurs with disabilities as the EDP rural business advisor. He provides customized business training and counseling services to entrepreneurs dealing with chronic health or mental conditions across British Columbia.