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The Confident Leader

Mon August 19, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

You may be able to receive this workshop free of charge. Create an account or login to your dashboard to check your eligibility.
You know your business is pure gold, but sometimes that nagging self-doubt creeps in. This workshop teaches you how to create your unique mindset plan for managing self-doubt so you can act confidently in any situation.
Without confidence, you may never venture out of your comfort zone and reach your utmost potential. 
Self-confidence is believing in what you can do, regardless of whether you have done those things before.
Confidence comes from within, and you can find ways to believe in yourself at any time.
During this interactive session, participants will work through exercises to:
  • Understand fears and doubts.
  • Visualize desired experience.
  • Create a mindset plan. 


Learning Outcomes:

  • You have unshakeable self-confidence.
  • You say yes to the things that scare you.
  • You have the tools to manage imposter syndrome. 


Life Untethered Coaching
Emma Hull

Bio: Introducing Emma Hull, founder of Life Untethered Coaching, and a dynamic life coach and confidence expert. Known for empowering entrepreneurs to break free from limitations and embrace their true potential, Emma blends practical strategies with holistic techniques to guide her clients to transformative success. Get ready to be inspired and take your business to the next level!
Header Photo: Kelowna BC
Community Futures British Columbia
33163 2nd Ave
Mission BC V2V 6T8
Mon to Fri: 8:30am to 4:30pm

CFBC is the provincial association for the Community Futures Development Corporation. Since 1992 we've been fostering entrepreneurship and economic development in rural BC through our 34 member offices. Learn More.

We are grateful to live and work with people from across many traditional and unceded territories, covering all regions of British Columbia. We are honoured to live on this land and are committed to economic development and growing small businesses together.
PacifiCanSDE Colombie-Britannique
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